The Dennis Middle School PTO welcomes you to the 2023-2024 school year!
Our PTO meets once a month in the library or via Google Meet/Zoom. Check the school calendar for times and dates. Everyone is welcome and it costs nothing to join! Check out our Facebook page for further information.
***If you plan to volunteer at school or for any PTO events, be sure to complete a
Volunteer Background Check Form each year.***
Simple Fundraiser to Support Dennis Middle School
Help us raise money without a lot of effort!
Buy items containing Box Tops? Download the Box Tops for Education app, set up your account for Dennis, then scan your receipts every time you shop. If you still have Box Tops that were cut out, please send them in to school. Each Box Top earns 10 cents for our school! Click the above link for lists of products, extra coupons and more!